ScITech Consulting and Solutions Ltd. has been a key provider of software solutions and consultancy services. Spanning in multiple facets of Bioinformatics, including genomics, comprehensive IT consultancy etc. It is committed to establishing a Quality Management System (QMS) policy following ISO 9001:2015 International standard. ScITech maintains a quality management system that is integrated into its process by implementing the following commitment and policies, which aim to increase efficiency of work practices, prevent incidents, injuries, occupational ill health, ensuring quality, and meeting necessary requirements.

ScITech top management commits to:
- Comply with all contractual obligations of the relevant interested parties.
- Comply with all legal requirements related to the operation, software solutions, and marketing of products and accessories.
- Adopt best practices and ensure the allocation of required resources to achieve continual improvement in its quality management system.
- Communicate to all employees, visitors about their responsibility and accountability for safe performance.
- Manage all the QMS aspects by integrating hazard identification and risk minimization to reduce risks, including assurance of consistent provision of our products and services.
- Empower all employees and contractors at the organization to carry out their activities in a manner that safeguards and maintains the health and safety of the people and property.
- Establish an effective system to encourage active employee consultation and participation in the protection of individual health and safety.
- Review and evaluate QMS performance, targets, and objectives to ensure compliance with this policy.
- Prepare for and respond quickly to incidents or other emergencies to mitigate adverse effects on customers, people, and the property.

SclTech strives to meet all the above requirements through a process of self-regulation and aims to exceed organization-specific requirements with an emphasis on the sustainable utilization of resources and by undertaking activities without compromising or causing conflict with other QMS principles and objectives. This policy applies to all activities, operations, and services of SclTech and is required to be implemented by all employees of SclTech Consulting and Solutions Ltd.

Last Update: 01 June 2024